1 APRIL 2022 | 9:30-12:30 CET | ONLINE OR IN-PERSON (Tweekerkenstraat 47, B-1000 Brussels)
In order to drive a profound climate transformation of heavy industry, EU policies, such as a reformed Emissions Trading System (ETS), remain key. However, complementary domestic interventions will also be required so as to enable a swift, targeted and fair transition. Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL), WISE and Germanwatch invite you to a workshop which will zoom in on this interaction.
Key questions on the agenda
- What are the main developments in national industrial policy in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium?
- What are the benefits and pitfalls of interventions at the member state level?
- How have domestic debates evolved, and what has been the role of civil society campaigns and advocacy?
- What are the opportunities for cross-border cooperation? We will share best and worst practices, and exchange examples for advocacy work.
9:40 | A European industrial revolution Domien Vangenechten, policy advisor, E3G |
10:00 | Industrial transition policy in Germany Georg Kobiela, policy advisor, Germanwatch |
10:20 | Industrial transition policy in France TBC |
10:40 | Industrial transition policy in the Netherlands Michelle Prins, programme lead industry, Natuur & Milieu |
11:00 | Industrial transition policy in Flanders (BE) Tycho Van Hauwaert, policy officer industry, Bond Beter Leefmilieu |
11:20 | Break |
11:30 | Discussion and Q&A |
Lunch/Afternoon | Physical network event at BBL office, Tweekerkenstraat 47, B-1000 Brussels |