As we enter the final stage of the negotiations between the Council, the Commission and the Parliament, this dialogue between key EU policymakers and civil society organisations will take stock of the progress made so far, and discuss remaining priorities to improve the EU ETS and make it fit for purpose.

What is the status of the trilogue negotiations? What has already been decided, are there any loose ends to be tied up? What are the major stumbling blocks? What does civil society expect from the process? And can policymakers live up to the challenge?

Join us on December 8 2022 for this lively debate and add your wishes to the list for a better EU ETS!


• European Parliament rapporteur on ETS, Pieter Liese

• Representative of the Czech presidency of the Council of the European Union

• Representative of DG Clima, tbc

Q&A: With NGOs representatives from different Member States

Moderator: Jorien Wallast

Our partners
LifeETX is implemented by a consortium of 10 NGOs working at national and European level