25 January 2021 | WEBINAR

In 2020, the European Commission launched ‘Fit for 55′, a legislative package to revise the EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework. Key elements of the package include the revision and scaling up of the Emissions Trading System (ETS) to cover a broader array of sectors, introducing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), and the creation of a Social Climate Fund.

With Fit for 55, the European Commission aims to achieve a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. But is the package ambitious enough to achieve this?

By shedding light on how Europe’s carbon pricing is likely to unfold, this event discussed the opportunities and challenges the reformed ETS presents: how will it lead Europe to climate neutrality, and how can the ETS ensure a just transition for society and the climate?

Is the EU ETS proposal fit for 55%?
Pieter-Willem Lemmens, Climate & Energy Consultant at CLIMACT
11.15-12.30Policy making processes and increasing ambition in the ETS
Panel discussion moderated by Talitha Muusse with
– Peter Liese – MEP & rapporteur for revision of the EU ETS
– Jos Delbeke – Former Director General of the European Commission’s DG Climate
– Paul van Dam – Climate Attaché at Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the – Netherlands to the EU
– Sabine Frank – Executive Director Carbon Market Watch
13.30-14.45Impact, opportunities and shortcomings of ETS for different sectors
Panel Discussion moderated by Talitha Muusse with
– Ben McWilliams – Research Analyst Climate and Energy policy – Bruegel
– Benjamin Denis – Senior Policy Advisor Green Deal and ETS – IndustriAll Global Union
– Julia Michalak – EU Policy Advisor – International Emissions Trading Association
– Barbara Mariani – Policy Manager for Climate at European Environmental Bureau

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LifeETX is implemented by a consortium of 10 NGOs working at national and European level